Services @ Entity Garden

Entity Garden offers services around Knowledge Graph Optimization. Such services are useful for branding people, organizations, products, and services.

1. Brand Entity Audit

A Brand Entity Audit performs a search for the brand name. It evaluates what Google understands about the brand as an entity in its knowledge graph.

The service identifies the brand entity in Google's knowledge graph as well as related web pages and profiles.

The result is a report about what is shown in the search results and what information is based on the asserted facts in the Google Knowledge Graph. The report includes snapshots of Google Knowledge Panels and Knowledge Cards.

Read more about our Brand Entity Audit Service

2. One-on-One KGO Coaching

Coaching starts with an assessment of your audit results. It then defines an ideal knowledge panel and search results.

We coach you to create copy that Google's algorithms do understand. The result is an action plan for changes to apply this optimized language to all profiles.

Besides text, we can also optimize the entity home with schema markup to ensure Google understands the relationship between all entities.

Last but not least we look at social media profiles and activities. This can trigger further actions to take.

Read more about our KGO Coaching

3. Brand Entity Monitoring

Brand Entity Monitoring ensures the steps taken will lead to success. Or at least the steps get us closer to the ideal knowledge panel.

Knowledge Graphs, Knowledge Panels, and Knowledge Cards change much slower than search results. So a monthly review of the search results is enough.

We also recommend a campaign to trigger searches for your brand name. Encourage your audience to Google your name and it'll show Google how notable you are.

Read more about our Brand Entity Monitoring Service